Spoilers Begin Here
The Stanley Parable is an experiment. It's a look into the nature of gaming and story telling, almost a satirization of the way most games present choices and the illusion of free will. You control the character of Stanley while a narrator explains a story. However, you can deviate from the narrator's instructions and try and forge your own story. You quickly discover that the narrator is aware of the player, and the fact that he is in a game. The fourth wall is broken very early on when the narrator begins to directly address the player as a player. You also quickly discover that the creators were meticulous in their storytelling. Every choice you can possibly make is accounted for and followed through. This gets very frustrating, because the way the game is presented demeans and humiliates the player and the very nature of gaming. Trying to explain it like this is kind of vague and confusing, so I'll take this one element at a time.
The story, I must admit is superb in its use of symbolism and analogy. You begin as Stanley, office worker 427, a man who spends all day pressing keys at a computer that tells him what keys to press and how long to press them. This is an analogy for gaming, because technically gaming is just pressing buttons at a keyboard. Stanley is perfectly happy with his existence until suddenly the computer stops giving him instructions and all of his coworkers disappear. Stanley is then prompted by the narrator to go explore. From that point, you come to a room with two doors, the first obvious choice you are allowed to make, and this is where the major gameplay element comes into play: choice. The narrator says the Stanley takes the door to the left, but the door to the right is open and it is simple to disobey and take it. On my first playthrough I began with the right door, so I'll do the same here.
Entering the right door, the narrator's voice becomes slightly irate and he changes the story and gives you essentially the same choice, go back onto the path of the story or continue disobeying. Continuing to disobey makes the narrator realize that you are in fact a player, and he addresses you as such. The interesting thing is, the more you choose to disobey, the less options become available to you, and eventually you are forced to follow the linear story that the narrator has set out, but a "broken" version, one you are unable to complete.
If you choose to follow the story completely, relinquish all choice and let the narrator guide you, the story tells you that you have been under mind control the entire time, and eventually you disable the mind control device and you reach the only "good" ending in the game, Stanley goes free. The irony of this ending is palpable, freedom is obedience, you break free of the mind control by having someone else tell you what to do. It's by far the most satisfying ending, and says a lot about the narrative strategies in other games where straying from the storyline, trying to "break" the game is often unsatisfying and unrewarding.
Yet The Stanley Parable is a game where the player is compelled to break the game, just to escape the grasp of the narrator. The most frustrating part is that everything you try, every action you take has been accounted for and laid out. You can try and kill yourself but the narrator just keeps on narrating and the game restarts. You can try to escape through a window, you can fall out the map, every way you try and break the game, you think you've won but suddenly the narrator just keeps on talking, and the frustration mounts. This is the message of the Stanley Parable: Control.
The defining moment of this theme of control is the countdown ending. You're in a very boss-battle like room, littered with buttons and monitors that drop clues to which buttons you're supposed to press to stop the countdown. The only thing is, it's impossible. The buttons do nothing, the clues mean nothing, as soon as you choose this ending you've already lost. As you run around the narrator taunts you for trying to beat the game, taunts you for thinking that you actually have any control over the narrative. This is the truth the Stanley Parable conveys, the truth it reveals about any game you play, your decisions mean nothing. You only have the illusion of choice, of free will, you are trapped in the game. As long as you play the game the game has complete control over you. Yet, in another ending, you can torture the narrator by repeatedly throwing yourself off a stairwell, trying to kill yourself rather than live in safety with the narrator. The narrator pleads you to stop, but the only way to advance the narrative is to continue.
This is the symbiotic relationship between the player and the game, the viewer and the art. Art is meant to be taken in, experienced, and The Stanley Parable, does an excellent job of portraying how much the narrator, the game needs Stanley, how much art needs someone to appreciate it. Without the viewer, there is paint on a canvas, mere lines of code, but with a viewer, a player, someone to appreciate and understand it, there is art, there is meaning, there is a message, there is more than meets the eye.
Yet this relationship has some troubling implications. The narrator implies games are mind-control, a prison, a place where the player has no control, yet it is a prison that the player voluntarily enters, and as long as they are there they have no control. The Stanley Parable criticizes the pastime, saying gaming is living someone else's fantasy, there are times when it seems the narrator is addressing Stanley when the narrator is actually addressing the player. The narrator tries to tell Stanley that he isn't in fact experiencing this world, but pressing keys at a keyboard, but as I played through this part I was oblivious to the fact that the narrator was in fact describing me. This is the genius of the Stanley Parable, it immerses you while trying desperately to break you out. It makes you ignorant to the lack of free will you have in the game, and the free will you have in the real world.
The only way to beat the Stanley Parable it to stop playing. There is no satisfaction to be found in any of the endings. This is not a game you play for pleasure. Hell I'm even hesitant to call this a game. The Stanley Parable is an experiment of the mind. It's a message addressed to Stanley but meant for you. It asks questions without questioning them, it points out incongruities and hypocrisies without pointing at them. The goal of the game is not to win, it is to send a message, to convey an idea. This is not a game, it is an art. Not satisfying, but visceral, not enjoyable, but interesting.
As a game, I hate the Stanley Parable,
but as art, it was beautiful.
The defining moment of this theme of control is the countdown ending. You're in a very boss-battle like room, littered with buttons and monitors that drop clues to which buttons you're supposed to press to stop the countdown. The only thing is, it's impossible. The buttons do nothing, the clues mean nothing, as soon as you choose this ending you've already lost. As you run around the narrator taunts you for trying to beat the game, taunts you for thinking that you actually have any control over the narrative. This is the truth the Stanley Parable conveys, the truth it reveals about any game you play, your decisions mean nothing. You only have the illusion of choice, of free will, you are trapped in the game. As long as you play the game the game has complete control over you. Yet, in another ending, you can torture the narrator by repeatedly throwing yourself off a stairwell, trying to kill yourself rather than live in safety with the narrator. The narrator pleads you to stop, but the only way to advance the narrative is to continue.
This is the symbiotic relationship between the player and the game, the viewer and the art. Art is meant to be taken in, experienced, and The Stanley Parable, does an excellent job of portraying how much the narrator, the game needs Stanley, how much art needs someone to appreciate it. Without the viewer, there is paint on a canvas, mere lines of code, but with a viewer, a player, someone to appreciate and understand it, there is art, there is meaning, there is a message, there is more than meets the eye.
Yet this relationship has some troubling implications. The narrator implies games are mind-control, a prison, a place where the player has no control, yet it is a prison that the player voluntarily enters, and as long as they are there they have no control. The Stanley Parable criticizes the pastime, saying gaming is living someone else's fantasy, there are times when it seems the narrator is addressing Stanley when the narrator is actually addressing the player. The narrator tries to tell Stanley that he isn't in fact experiencing this world, but pressing keys at a keyboard, but as I played through this part I was oblivious to the fact that the narrator was in fact describing me. This is the genius of the Stanley Parable, it immerses you while trying desperately to break you out. It makes you ignorant to the lack of free will you have in the game, and the free will you have in the real world.
The only way to beat the Stanley Parable it to stop playing. There is no satisfaction to be found in any of the endings. This is not a game you play for pleasure. Hell I'm even hesitant to call this a game. The Stanley Parable is an experiment of the mind. It's a message addressed to Stanley but meant for you. It asks questions without questioning them, it points out incongruities and hypocrisies without pointing at them. The goal of the game is not to win, it is to send a message, to convey an idea. This is not a game, it is an art. Not satisfying, but visceral, not enjoyable, but interesting.
As a game, I hate the Stanley Parable,
but as art, it was beautiful.